Thanksgiving at TBL

Thanksgiving at TBL

Good morning fellow Bike People! Hopefully you are either on your way home or soon to be - the American holiday season is upon us and hopefully we are all moving towards a restful and recharging period of the year. As Aaron wisely said this past weekend: "Bears hibernate for a reason."

Before we get to a recap of our awesome weekend of activities, let's cover some housekeeping items:

TBL Holiday Closures:

  • Nov 30 - Dec 1
  • Dec 21-22
  • Dec 28-29

Mark your calendars for the City of Raleigh Active Mobility Plan Open House on December 10th! We will have a group ride over from Trophy Morgan (Espresso Express start point) to the event at Tarboro Road Community Center, rolling out at 5:00pm.

Also, no Coffee Outside this week because that's literally Thanksgiving Day and I am hoping to be at several hundred calories deep by that point. You do you, but the reason I bike around so much is so I can eat whatever I want. This is my Super Bowl.

Weekend Recap

Friday evening was our quarterly Greenway Gear Collective board meeting where we had an opportunity to review last quarter's goals and achievements. We hosted nearly 10 events, including several Basic Maintenance Workshops, Adventure Series #1, and other events like art appreciation rides and Crank for a Cause. The board also voted to add two members to the paid staff. These are the first two paid employees at GGC and will help expand the impact of the nonprofit as we start ramping up again in the spring.

Saturday morning welcomed a somewhat chilly weekend – our first real "deep autumn" weekend in a while – but we kept busy and warm, ending with no fewer than four (4) new bike builds, hot and ready to be purchased and ridden by some lucky new riders.

On Saturday, we hosted the second installation of the Lake Raleigh Adventure Series, which was a short ride to Lake Johnson and back. Debra and Jeff will keep these monthly events going through the spring, and you won't want to miss 'em!

Sunday evening, we had Friendsgiving at the shop after sunset. It was an amazing turnout and it seemed to me like everyone had a lovely time. I could only pay so much attention, though, because I was quite busy eating. Superbowl – remember? Friends brought a huge range of dishes, from vegan buns to classic pulled pork (with sauce in a Gatorade bottle) to dense and delicious chocolate torte cubes and everything in between.

It warmed my soul to see the shop filled up with trays of yummy food and people meeting, talking, laughing, eating, and sharing good company in the cold evening air. This is what I've always envisioned the space to be, and it's exciting to see it start to become a reality. It will only get better from here.

With that, have a lovely Thanksgiving – I hope you spend it with loved ones and even more delicious food. See y'all on the flip side.

Join the party!