Walking vs. Biking, visualized

Walking vs. Biking, visualized
Photo by Andrea Leopardi

As of writing, we have partnerships set up with The Store, Black & White at Videri, and Runologie. Soon, we will have bikes staged at those locations. The questions we will answer today: How far can you get in 15 minutes from each location on foot? What about on a bicycle?

In this article, we will use this service to show travel time on foot and on bike from three locations. First, we will show the maps of foot travel time. Then, we will show the maps of bike travel time.

Travel time is a more useful figure than travel distance – if you've ever sat in traffic on the interstate you will understand why. With that said, let's dive into walking times from The Store, Black & White Coffee, and Runologie.

  1. The Store

Located just north of Glenwood South, in the Boylan-Brooklyn area, The Store is a wonderfully walkable location. Let's see where you can get in 15 mins on foot:

Not bad, for on foot.

Pat and Charlie will get you halfway through the Village District in 15 minutes. Not bad, but not great.

Compare that with a map of where you can reach on two wheels in 15 minutes:

Little bit better.

A bike expands your range to all of NC State, all of downtown, and way up to Runologie. Speaking of which, let's move up North a bit.

  1. Runologie

Let's see where we can walk in 15 minutes from Runologie. It isn't in the most walkable area of town. However, here we go:

There really isn't much within walking distance. All the points northeast of Runologie are across a highway, so the only truly walkable areas are South and Southeast. Neighborhoods and an elementary school, not much else. At the intersection of Glascock and Brookside is the Optimist and Brookside Bodega, but that's at the end range of your 15 minutes walk. How about a bike radius?

Not bad, not bad...

Now you've expanded your range to include most of downtown, all of Glenwood South, and even up towards Five Points. There's a whole lot more you can do there.

  1. Black & White Coffee

Let's say you're at Black & White at Videri and want to pop out for some fresh air. Here's where you can get in 15 minutes:

Fairly central. Nice.

Since this is in the Warehouse District, it's fairly walkable. You could make it over to Morning Times, or even head over to the Boylan Bridge to catch some fresh air. How about on a bike?

Well... you can now touch all of most of central Raleigh in 15 minutes.

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